Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Animation has begun!

I have begun creating some layer-able body parts to create the first section of my animation, where the guy is walking down a street. Obviously for this, i can create a short animation of him taking a few steps and repeat.
Yesterday i did one off the top of my head. I drew this below:

^ WARNING! Do not practise trampoline under ceiling fan ^
From this i cut the parts out as individual layers on photoshop, then placed them in the right part on the body. By importing this into after effects, i could then animate each body part separately. And after a bit of playing around, i made this guy walk!
But something wasn't right...It didn't look real enough.
So i decided to take photographs of my legs walking (well, i didn't, my dad did, that would be crazy!)
Once i looked through these i realised i had got the leg movements a little wrong.
So i did it again today, and drew another body part sheet. And it looks AWESOME!
Unfortunately at the minute, blogger wont upload the movie file i saved. I don't know why, it just keeps saying uploading, so ill keep trying!

In the meantime, I'm going to tackle the most difficult part of my animation; trying to get this to move in time :s

Wish Me Luck!

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