Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Final Storyboards

I have made the few alterations i previously mentioned to my storyboard.
Here it is:


Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 6

Section 7

Section 8

Section 9

Section 10

Section 11

Page 1

Page 2
As you can see here, i have changed the beginning and ending of my animation.
The angle the guy was walking at in my first storyboard would have been awkward to animate, so i have changed to a side angle of him walking, which zooms out to the street. This keeps continuity and will allow me to create a walking animation using layers instead of cell drawing.

To finish with, originally it stopped at the end of the first drum fill. This could have seemed like it just came to a sudden halt, so i have added in a final segment where it shows his face again, now drooling from the dream. The music will cut, and i will either leave this silent, or maybe add in the sound of traffic, or wind to create a sense of reality.

My next step is to create some drawings i can use as layers and create some real animations (scary!). Wish me luck!

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