Friday, 20 April 2012

My Own Research

I have asked one simple question on a survey online. Only got 11 people replied, which obviously isn't that many but it was actually very useful.

I asked for a form of technology which is really important to them, they use everyday or something they could't live without (figuratively speaking), and why.
Of the 11 replies, 8 were their smartphone (Iphone or Blackberry). One was alarm clock, one was TV/Sky+ and one was Xbox 360.
The answers as to why this technology is important to them regarding the smartphone were all very similar. Music, Internet, and communication were running themes.
And in fact, the one answer for the alarm clock turned out that person's alarm lock is on their Iphone, so I think i'll give that to the smartphone section!

This is quite interesting.
9/11 people consider their smartphone to be their most important piece of technology. And as I have stated in a previous post, the majority of mobile phone owners aged from 14-30 use a smartphone. I think whatever my final outcome will be, it must include some reference to this fact.

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